WIN is a not for profit organisation established to assist new residents and their families settle in and contribute to their communities
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WIN offers a range of services to the Central Queensland Community while also advocating for improved changes in relation to social integration, cross cultural communication and community cohesion policies and procedures within the three levels of Government. Some of these services include information sessions, consultancy, referrals, advice and support, networking, community awareness, events planning and promotion, advocacy, training and more.
WIN delivers a number of services to the Rockhampton Region. These services include:
WIN delivers a number of services to the Gladstone Region. These services include:
WIN has a team of trained and experienced professionals that are able to deliver a range of parenting, children and professional programs to assist your clients and staff
As organisations in Central Queensland continue to source skilled workers from overseas and interstate, there is an increasing need for them to help their new employees settle into their new communities and make the most of their culturally diverse workforce. WIN offers a number of services to assist businesses in this area including Cultural Awareness Packages and employee inductions
Total Members
Participants in Parenting Programs
Hours of volunteer work
Participants in Playgroup
Registered newsletter subscribers